October 22, 2022

Orgatec 2022, Materials4Future, Keulen, DE

Materials for sustainable interiors

The increasing pressure for climate-friendly materials is now flushing the results of many years of research onto the market. A new industry is emerging with offers that fit perfectly into the concept of a circular economy. The biological cycle offers the greatest potential for innovation.

With all the protests fora climate-friendly policy in the context of the federal election in 2021, the“Fridays for Future” movement has reached its preliminary peak in Germany. Andamong designers and architects, too, there is a desire for a functioningcircular economy and for products with reduced CO2 emissions andclimate-neutral processes.

The young generation of designers in particular is looking for a new culture of materials and technologies for interior design and furniture manufacturing. If no product is available on the market for a specific problem, creative people become more and more proactive in developing their own solutions.

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